
How To Help Your Body Function During This Time

Lets discuss about how we can help our body function during this time. Let’s talk about immunity. If there was ever a time to be concerned about your immunity, this is it.

But before we get to that, let’s talk for a second about the current crisis we are in. We are at the beginning of the curve regarding the number of cases. We’ve heard a lot of talk about flattening the curve but rest assured the curve will not be eliminated. Without question, there are more cases coming down the road.

So at this point, while it’s important to keep doing what the experts say to do, wash your hands, get lots of rest and so on, it’s also very important to be working on increasing the efficiency of your immune system and this is where chiropractic truly shines.

Stress of any kind in your body should be dealt with as quickly as possible. Toxic stress from a bad diet, emotional and mental stress from job concerns to having the kids at home for three weeks to watching the constant barrage of negative news, all of these can produce stress and subluxations in your spine and those subluxations in turn can create more stress.

Why all the concern about stress? Because chronic stress of any kind puts your body into chronic fight or flight mode. The more stress, the deeper and quicker you get into it. Fight or flight happens when you’re walking through the jungle and a tiger jumps out in front of you and you need to decide REAL quick whether to fight or run.

Huge amounts of adrenaline are produced and everything not related to fighting or running shuts down so the body can redirect all of that energy to fighting or running. In particular, the immune system shuts down because trying to fight a virus is the last thing your body function needs to be doing while you’re trying not to get eaten by the tiger.

Now, if you survive the tiger scenario, the adrenaline will slowly dissipate over an hour or so and shortly after, your immune system will fire back up and all will be well again.

In chronic stress situations, like the one we’re in now, the problem is that chronic stress keeps the body in that fight or flight mode over a very long period of time and what shuts down in the fight or flight mode? That’s right, your immune system. That is NOT what we want to be happening during this crisis. Chiropractic care specifically addresses this stress keeps you out of chronic fight or flight.

In fact, the neurological testing we do measures whether or not your body is in chronic fight or flight. So, not only do we have a way to measure chronic fight or flight, we have the best way to deal with it, chiropractic adjustments.

We see it every day. Under chiropractic care the neurological scans balance out, people move out of chronic fight or flight, their immune systems function better under less stress, and they end up with a better, balanced level of performance and improved ability to deal with anything that comes along.

So, that’s why it’s important to continue your care, and maybe throw in an additional visit now and then. It’s also important to do the following and most of this stuff you learned for the body function correctly:

Eat clean for maintain the Body Functions:

The stores are out of all the crap food but generally, the fresh, good food is still available. Shop the edges of the store rather than all the processed garbage in the middle aisles.

Drink lots of water:

A good general rule is if you’re not peeing every 30 minutes, you’re not drinking enough.

Get lots of rest:

Go to bed an hour earlier. Your body does its repair work while you’re sleeping. The more sleep you get, the more your body is able to repair itself.

Get some exercise:

Walk the dog, dance in the living room, play in the yard with the kids, go for a bike ride, I don’t care. Just get off your butt and do something. Anything.

Wash your hands with soap and water:

A lot of Hand sanitizer works OK but swab tests show that soap and water does a better job than hand sanitizer only.

Turn off the news for body Functioning:

It’s a good idea to watch it once in a while so that you know what’s going on but if you listen to the constant negativity of the news for 8 hours a day, all you’re going to do is stress yourself even more.

Get your whole family’s spines checked. In a crisis like this, there is no better time to make sure that EVERYONE in your household is functioning at optimal levels, especially their immune systems. We believe in this so much, we have expanded our family plan. We will do the neurological scans, Report of Findings and the first adjustment at no charge. 

It’s on us because we believe in the importance of family care and want to give you the opportunity to make sure everyone’s OK.

If you’re worried about exposure, we can set up a time to bring everyone in during slow times or after hours. The important thing is that they have the opportunity.

You know, it may take a while and a little bit more care but we are all going to get through this together, folks. I just wanted to let you know that we’re here for you.

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