
Men’s Health

Helping you be the best dudes and dads.

We know that life demands a lot from you. Men’s health is so important but often overlooked.

So many men are taught to “walk it off” from a young age. So when they do feel their body try to tell them something they are trained to ignore it. 

Your Brain and Body Connection Equals Men's Health

Your brain is in charge of the communication that happens within your body. It keeps everything orchestrated so that you don’t have to give a single thought to breathing, digesting food, heart beating, hormones releasing, and so on. 

All of that communication goes from your brain to the rest of your nervous system. 

Blocked Connections

Let’s think of your nervous system as a water hose. When you are out watering your yard, and there is a kink in the hose, what happens? No water comes out! It’s the same story with your nervous system. Those “kinks” block the communication that should be flowing through the nerves.

These kinks can happen from a lot of different things like:

  • a flood of toxins from food, water, air, and other environmental elements
  • falls, car accidents, sports injuries, and repetitive motions
  • everyday stressors over work, money, and relationships

The Fix - How to Improve Men's Health

Chiropractic is a tool that helps straighten out these kinks through chiropractic adjustments to your spine. When your spine is properly aligned, then your nerves send and receive messages clearly, so less stress happens in the body. Our Albuquerque Chiropractor sees patients with neck, back, arm, leg, shoulder, jaw, and hip pain who receive great success through chiropractic adjustments. 

Here are 5 of the most important chiropractic benefits that you should be aware of:

1. Pain relief – Sore backs, neck pain, and stiffness are common amongst all of us. However, if this pain is reoccurring, it needs to be looked at. Back pain is usually an indicator of a misaligned spine, which prevents your central nervous system from functioning correctly, leading to injury, pain, and illness. Regular chiropractic care will ensure correct spinal alignment so that pain, soreness, and stiffness can be eliminated.

2. Better sleep – Sleep-related issues can often be traced back to stress and pain. If you treat these issues through chiropractic care, you can improve the quality of your sleep dramatically.

3. Increased energy – Our daily activities require energy. Unfortunately, if your spine is misaligned your central nervous system will not be functioning at optimum levels, resulting in fatigue. By making a chiropractic spinal adjustment, energy can flow through your nerves without any interruption, leaving you feeling energized.

4. Improved immune system – Chiropractic care has a positive impact on your central nervous system, which in turn impacts your immune system (better overall health.) You should therefore experience improved immune function with the ability to fight off sickness more efficiently.

5. Stress relief – When there is an imbalance in your nervous system, emotional and physical stress will be placed on your body. Thankfully, chiropractic care restores this balance, in turn reducing the impact of stress on your body.

If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort in your back or neck, book your chiropractic appointment, and let’s get you back in tip-top shape.

Let us help you get back to feeling your best!

Men's health
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