
The Fatigue League

Feeling exhausted all the time? Getting seemingly good sleep, but still sleepy all day? Maybe you get no good sleep at all. You may be struggling with adrenal fatigue. 

Adrenal Fatigue is described as a disruption of the adrenal glands’ ability to make cortisol (a stress hormone) in the right amounts at the right times. Chronic stress, an unhealthy diet, and general inflammation are all thought to contribute to it. Though adrenal fatigue is not recognized as a legitimate condition by the traditional medical community, I’ve seen the effects of unsteady cortisol levels play out time and time again with our patients. Here are the signs you might be dealing with them too.

The 3 stages of cortisol imbalance:

Stage 1: Wired and tired

This stage is characterized by high cortisol levels, especially at night, leading to insomnia, insulin resistance, and abdominal weight gain. People often feel energized but in an edgy “wired” way.

Stage 2: Stressed and tired

In this stage, many people wake up early in the morning (often around 3 a.m.) and are unable to fall back asleep. Later in the day, some stressor kicks in, and they feel more awake. Their cortisol peaks early, flattens out, but often has midday or early evening rise.

Stage 3: Burnout

This stage is characterized by exhaustion regardless of hours slept, a flat cortisol curve, and in some cases low DHEA and thyroid hormone levels.

So how in the world do I correct this and get back on track?

Here are a few healthy strategies I recommend to anyone who is looking to get their hormone levels in check and restore their energy.

1. Follow the adrenal diet.

This includes lots of brightly colored vegetables, lean clean protein, and whole grain gluten-free carbs. A strict no-carb diet can stress the body even more, worsening adrenal burnout. So skip the cookies and cakes, but reach for the quinoa, lentils, and buckwheat.

2. Incorporate ALL the supplements!

B vitamins are great food for the adrenals. B12 and folate also support energy production. Omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, and vitamin C decrease internal inflammation. Vitamin D, selenium, magnesium, and zinc are all important for proper adrenal function.

3. Focus on hydration.

This is just a good tip for anyone: Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, adding a squeeze of fresh lemon juice or Himalayan sea salt to up the hydrating benefits.

4. Build rest into your day.

When you’re dealing with exhaustion, sometimes a high-intensity cardio session can just burn you out more. Instead, consider low-impact, hormone friendly workouts such as yoga and Pilates. I would also recommend taking two 20-minute rest breaks a day. They don’t necessarily need to be naps, but timeouts alone to breathe and restore.

5. Get adjusted.

Neurological specific chiropractic adjustments help bring your body out of the fight or flight state it may be in, and into a state of rest and relaxation.

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