
Schedule NE Heights Chiropractor

Dr. Adrian Velasquez & Dr. Jeffrey Schnapp

Your first visit includes a consultation with Dr. Adrian or Dr. Jeffrey, an examination, and neurological studies.

Your second visit will then go over your findings, give any recommendations, and you’ll receive your first adjustment. 

* If you are an existing patient, please call the office at 505-200-9937 to schedule. *

Our Albuquerque NE Heights Chiropractic Dr. Adrian Velasquez

Adrian Velasquez DC - Schedule NE Heights Chiropractor

In 2009, I almost died from an extreme allergic reaction to a medication that placed me in a coma for weeks. Doctors were baffled and did not give my family and friends much hope for me to live.

Thankfully, God woke me up, but with that came challenges.  I had no balance or coordination, wasn’t able to walk on my own, my short-term memory was impacted, trouble with my speech, tingling and numbness in my hands, and severe complications with my vision.

I was 26 years old at the time and I literally had to learn how to live again. As soon as I finished rehab, I began to receive chiropractic adjustments. I was so amazed at how the first adjustment removed the tingling and numbness in my hands. With each adjustment,

I saw amazing changes. My speech, vision, balance and coordination, and memory were all quickly restored.

My life changed

I knew that Chiropractic works wonders, but, now I am living proof. This experience made me a better, more empathetic, and more passionate doctor than ever before. I have a beautiful wife that has worked her way through nursing school and shares the same drive as me. We have been a part of each other’s lives for over 15 years.  We have a beautiful daughter together and love living in Albuquerque.

I am a member of FCCI (Fellowship of Companies for Christ), and a graduate of Leadership New Mexico (https://www.leadershipnm.org/), and have been voted Top Chiropractor in Albuquerque The Magazine’s Best of the City. 

I am also a co-author of my book called “The Chiropractic Code”. Being a part of your healthcare team is what I am here for! 

Dr Jeffrey Schnapp

Jeffrey Schnapp DC - Schedule NE Heights Chiropractor

Dr. Jeffrey Schnapp hails from Queens, New York, and is a graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic. On top of practicing Chiropractic, Dr. Schnapp also maintains degrees in Human Biology, and Biomedical Sciences.

Dr. Schnapp was first exposed to Chiropractic after numerous joint and muscle injuries from years of collegiate and professional sports, as well as from his continued practice of martial arts. Instead of relying on the common pain management treatment of opioid pain medications, Dr. Schnapp was determined to get better from his injuries through a more natural and comprehensive approach. Dr. Schnapp chose Chiropractic to help heal his body and he fell in love with the profession.

Dr. Schnapp has practiced Chiropractic for more than 20 years in group practice, solo practice, and in an academic setting, as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. Dr. Schnapp is a passionate Doctor, who loves helping his patients to thrive and live their lives to the fullest. Dr. Schnapp places his patients first and is a fun and very caring Doctor. 

Dr. Schnapp maintains additional licensure as an Advanced Practice Doctor of Chiropractic. He has extensive knowledge in the utilization of medical marijuana for various medical conditions. Dr. Schnapp maintains qualifying credentials for patients to obtain their respective New Mexico Medical Cannabis Card. 

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