
Start Of The School Year Tips

Can you believe another school year is upon us? If the first thing that comes to your mind is dread and anxiety for your kid, it doesn’t have to be that way!

As your kiddo’s nervous system adapts from rest mode to hustle mode, we want to come alongside your family to ensure this school year starts off on the right foot. If your child already struggles with anxiety or transitions, you know how difficult it is for them to step foot in the classroom with grace and ease. Let’s fix that! Every year around this time, we see the same pattern in kids and have successfully helped many transition easier. Here are our top “Start of the School Year Tips”.

Tip 1: Routines

Whether you have decided to homeschool, or have your child return to in person classes, one of the best things you can do is make a solid routine. 

Although we can’t control the way the whole world is shifting around then, a solid routine at home will anchor them. 

Pro Tips:

  • Make a fun chart for daily routine
  • Create a reward system
  • Prep the night before

Tip 2: Decrease Screen Time & Increase Movement

Screens can be super useful in certain situations, but its important to limit screen time and get your kiddo’s body moving! Let’s get your little one’s brain firing right again. 

If your child has trouble paying attention or cant seem to complete a task all the way, it might be time to detox from the screens. 

Pro Tips:

  • Get outside and play with friends
  • Join a gym, martial arts or a sport
  • Do some arts and crafts 

Tip 3: Get Adjusted

Emotional, physical and even chemical stress causes a spike in your Childs stress hormones that decrease our brains ability to access:

  • Ability to make good decisions
  • Have good behavior
  • Remain calm
  • Maintain concentration

With so much stress getting put into their little systems this year, its crucial that we get their brain functioning at full capacity and calm the storm within.

Regular chiropractic adjustments lower the stress response and gets the brain back on the right channel so your little one’s nervous system can be calm and connected

How We Can Help

We access the spine for areas of stress that are interfering with the brains ability to communicate with the body and vice versa. 

Gentle adjustments clear any interference in the pathway to and from the brain and allow the brain to access parasympathetics which calm the nervous system. 

As parents we get all of these things checked:

  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Ears
  • Throat
  • Breathing 
  • Heart

Yet, we miss the very system in control of all these things. 

We do a complete neurospinal work up on your child. This helps us get a very specific look at what is going on under the surface so we can address any issues with precision. 

Call our office today to get your child checked!

Photo by Mary Taylor from Pexels

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